Once again on Jessica Claire’s blog.  You might remember a few months back I had posted another extravagant & gorgeous birthday party idea that she had posted on her blog (once again…((SIGH)) for wonderful southern Cali weather and for children who are fortunate enough to have their birthdays in the warmer months!).  Tara, you will especially enjoy the link for this birthday party.  This is absolutely amazing.  The rainbow balloon entryway is enough to have me all excited!  Nevermind how exquisite everything else was!

Quick note on the progression of everything behind the scenes: I have about 7 orders that are getting put together this week to get sent out/called for pick up.  I also will be posting galleries for proofing towards the end of the week for you late October sessions.  Once again, my apologies, having been pretty much sick for >1 week put me a tad behind (at the worst possible time of course) and although I really didn’t rest (always got something to do with the business) I wasn’t up to my usual energy level.  Getting caught up.  Card mock ups and other such goodies are being done today for a number of clients.

Thanks to everyone who sent well wishes during my bout of illness.  I received several get well cards from clients who read the blog this past week!!  So sweet and thank you for thinking of me Melissa & Lisa!  You really made this ole sickie feel loved & appreciated.

Ok, back to work (and yes, the 5:29 a.m. timestamp is correct, I’ve been up since 3:30 a.m. working).

xoxo, Mare

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  • Elizabeth - November 16, 2007 - 8:05 am

    I hope you are sleeping.. jeez girl… I did see the photos on Jessica Claire’s site.. wow.. I cant even imagine a birthday party like that..

…is a big brother?

I had the extreme pleasure of meeting up with C again and this time it was to finally meet the new girl in town!   E (who is just so so beautiful and quiet!  Two wonderful attributes to have in a new baby) and the other love of his life, Ruby the dog.  LOVED Ruby, she was like the best behaved dog ever!

A big thanks to Candace who had me out to their home on the North Side of the city this morning for E’s newborn session.  I so enjoy new families, new babies, new additions and old clients (who are still sorta new clients…)  Candace, thank you so much for allowing me to capture this time in your lives and allowing me to see the new beginning of E’s life with your family.

Sneak peek it below!!


Dog’s Eye View of Family

A Little Color

I must mention the smell of new highway is fresh in my mind.  They finally finished the southbound extension of I-355 and I took it home for a nice change of pace.  Smooth, sweet and wide are the only three words that could describe the new space.  LOVE options for going home (altho it is a bit out of the way).  And more newness, I just got the new Silverchair (remember them when they were like 17 y/o in the 90’s during the Grunge-y years?) album and got to listen to it without children interrupting me or cell phone calls all the way home.  Sweet.  A day of NEWs is what the title of this entry should’ve been.  🙂

 Thanks for stopping in.

xoxo, Mare

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  • Elizabeth - November 15, 2007 - 7:38 pm

    what a great session.. I love every shot

This afternoon’s session was with three guys from last fall. I had a blast with them last fall and this year did NOT disappoint. The boys were great; energetic and as fun as last year but they did seem to relax much more quickly this time around. At our second, third and fourth sessions together clients often comment that it’s nice to have a photographer that their children KNOW and that knows their children, it seems to cut down on that sort of stranger anxiety that comes with meeting a child for the first time. It was definitely apparent with DJC today, they warmed up almost immediately, giving me great smiles and lots of fun to capture. A big thanks to Tina for allowing me into their lives once again this year to capture their wonderful free spirited fun as brothers.

Sneak peeks below:

Going to the Island

Likes to Pose and Carries Big Stick would be their Native American Names  :D

Take Some Time to Ponder

Thanks for stopping in!

xoxo, Mare

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  • Stacy Berry - November 12, 2007 - 7:52 am

    Hi, First of all i would like to say you do amazing work. and second i love your style. My question is i am just starting out as a new photographer. and i would like to know what kind of lenses you are using. I just invested on a 5d and the 85mm 1.2 lens and the 70-200IS lens and i am getting ready to purchase another one. Before i spend more money i would like to know your input. I photograph alot of children, families and seniors and right now i am doing on location i do not have a studio. i run my business out of my home. I live in New Mexico so the weather here is pretty mild. I am still able to shoot outside which is very nice for me. I appreciate your time!
    Just let me know.

    Thank you,
    Stacy Berry

  • Elizabeth - November 12, 2007 - 4:09 pm

    Hey Mare.. these are lovely.. just gorgeous boys and the light is fantastic.. Oh Thanks for marking me as family on Flickr.. I still cant get to your flickr account when I click on your name it just comes up a blank white screen??? I have no idea why also everything you type is underlined??

  • […] D Family.  The first year, the boys seemed so little…fun little balls of spitfire.  Last year they were still fun guys but seemed mellowed out and they were even MORE fun to work with.  […]

Ahhhh, on my books this was the last forest session for 2007. I’m a wee bit sad, however with how fast darkness came, well I guess it’s just as well.

The forest is still awash in gorgeous gorgeous colors (courtesy of our late frost this year). However, there are enough leaves on the ground of Cassie & Sean’s kids to have an absolute B*L*A*S*T. I want to thank them for coming out from Mokena for a Forest Session (despite the fact that I thought it was a whole other session altogether…left the studio in major freak out mode to get to the forest in time for sweet light). They and their beautiful children were real troopers and I completely enjoyed meeting them. I suspect I could sit & chat with “chatty” Cassie all evening long.

So thank you to them and to my wonderful client Whitney who referred me to them. I so enjoyed meeting you all and think you will be so so happy with the images from your session. What I have seen so far, just spectacular. You all will be so so happy.

Time to scroll, people! Sneak peeks follow!! 🙂


Forest Boy

Baby Bear

Finally (almost dark…)


Thanks for dropping in!

xoxo, Mare


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  • Elizabeth Pellette - November 11, 2007 - 12:22 pm

    I love these this is what I kind of want to try to accomplish for our holiday cards this year… now of course getting all my kids and husband to cooperate to let me do the shoot is a completly different story… ( did you get my message I cant get your on Flickr anymore for some reason.. I can read the comments you leave for me but cant leave you any ????)



Website is updated…

Flash Marmalade Site

Go. Enjoy.  Let me know what you think!

Oh, on another side note, last night was the last night for the Nightmare Before Christmas 3D (btw, it’s one of my all time favorite movies) and we all went out to see it (the first fun thing I’ve done since August.  I kid you not.)  It was a wonderful rendition of a true classic.  Disney really knows its’ stuff regaring 3D.  If you can find the movie near you I urge you to go see it.

Ok, off to parent teacher conferences.  Always fun to hear how the kids are doing in school away from our watchful parental eyes!

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  • Elizabeth - November 9, 2007 - 7:37 pm

    We love that movie too but did not get to see it in 3D yet.. Oh.. and the Flash Site.. Rocks..

  • Mare - November 9, 2007 - 11:38 pm

    Thanks E! I think the site turned out pretty ok (lots of hard work while I sat up at the laptop during this horrid bout of ill).

    You must, if you can, see it in 3D. Awesome.