Once again on Jessica Claire’s blog. You might remember a few months back I had posted another extravagant & gorgeous birthday party idea that she had posted on her blog (once again…((SIGH)) for wonderful southern Cali weather and for children who are fortunate enough to have their birthdays in the warmer months!). Tara, you will especially enjoy the link for this birthday party. This is absolutely amazing. The rainbow balloon entryway is enough to have me all excited! Nevermind how exquisite everything else was!
Quick note on the progression of everything behind the scenes: I have about 7 orders that are getting put together this week to get sent out/called for pick up. I also will be posting galleries for proofing towards the end of the week for you late October sessions. Once again, my apologies, having been pretty much sick for >1 week put me a tad behind (at the worst possible time of course) and although I really didn’t rest (always got something to do with the business) I wasn’t up to my usual energy level. Getting caught up. Card mock ups and other such goodies are being done today for a number of clients.
Thanks to everyone who sent well wishes during my bout of illness. I received several get well cards from clients who read the blog this past week!! So sweet and thank you for thinking of me Melissa & Lisa! You really made this ole sickie feel loved & appreciated.
Ok, back to work (and yes, the 5:29 a.m. timestamp is correct, I’ve been up since 3:30 a.m. working).
xoxo, Mare
I hope you are sleeping.. jeez girl… I did see the photos on Jessica Claire’s site.. wow.. I cant even imagine a birthday party like that..