Random Pop Culture Musings

Steve Jobs for President.  No…not really but seriously if ANYONE can turn it around, Steve Jobs can.


Steve Jobs For Prez T



This insanely great tee is  available at Insanely Great Tees. A friend of mine recently asked me how many Apple computers actually exist in our household, I was ashamed to admit it so I sort of just started doing the # count in my head.  :D  I know she still thought that was pretty funny.  So if they can persuade me into buying their newest & greatest….Steve Jobs & Apple wouldn’t be a bad fit for president.  At least the economy might be stimulated and heck, the Oval Office as a scene for the newest gadgets…can’t be all bad!

(personally if anyone is out there shopping for l’il ole me I’d like the ctrl-z (different in apple speak) t-shirt.  not that i’m hinting or anything…)

Finally…the sad part of today’s entry.  Just the other day (yesterday actually now that I think of it because it was MLK day and the kids were home sorta driving me nuts) I thought about getting out our copy of  “10 Things I Hate About You” and watching it sometime this week.  I adored that movie, when it was on HBO doing its’ round through there I swear I watched it no less than six times.  Julia Stiles was adorable and that is when I fell in love (and yeah, I felt like I was robbing the cradle!) with Heath Ledger.  So tonight, on our way back from The Container Store in Oakbrook (getting more elfa for our house!  I adore the January sale!) when I was listening to Roe on 890 am and they announced the news that he was found dead today I was astounded.  Just astounded.  It made me sad, such talent and youth just.gone.  With a toddler in his life no less.  It made me sad to think about it.  Now I’m not certain I’ll be able to take out “10 THings” without being sad.

Heath & Julia: 10 Things I Hate About You

Heath Ledger you will be missed.

Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You


:(  xoxo, Mare


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  • Paula - January 23, 2008 - 6:14 pm

    I totally agree. Can’t believe he is just….. gone. Weird. Addiction is such a crazy and scary thing.

  • Elizabeth - January 28, 2008 - 5:31 pm

    I just watched 10 things I hate about you this afternoon.. I too am heart broken over the loss of Heath Ledger.. I didnt follow his career I didnt see all of his movies.. but the ones I had seen I always enjoyed tremendously.. I cant even imagine what his family must be going through and his dear little girl.. such a tragic tragic loss.. and I have spent probably way too much time reading up on him his career his life and hiw romance with Michelle Williams.. it seems that at one point they were so in love.. you could see it in the photos.. Such a tragic loss.. makes me sad too.. I am glad I am not alone in this.. I was starting to feel kind of goofy about being so sad over this.

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