Making the trek across state lines. I cannot wait! I’ll be back in office on Tuesday the 4th!! Phone calls & emails will be returned on Tuesday!
I don’t know if I mentioned how my daughter has discovered You Tube (sigh). So I have to compete with her for the internet so she can listen to various things on YouTube like Aqua (goodness, remember this band?). How they never got sued by Mattel, I’ll never know. :) Anyway, every single time I hear that song I remember being in St. Lucia watching some drunk Irish men karaoke to this during Happy Hour at the Resort. LOL.
Speaking of Barbie, she likes to shop, right? …some quick little shopping stuff:
I rec’d email several weeks ago from Becca, she said:
I thought of you when I was flipping through this catalog-they have some
cute tutus and kids clothes. If you don’t get their catalog call and ask for
one, it would be a good source for your clients too.
Man, she’s right: Chasing Fireflies
I especially love these frocks
These tops:
This little ‘coat dress’:
And for boys, I simply cannot resist:
This cool pirate shirt:
Coupled with:
and although I am not a lover of the big bold stripe in the photography sense, I do appreciate:
and since pirates are on my mind check out their boy halloween costume:
I totally dig the Chasing Fireflies site. It makes me happy.
Thanks Becca. 🙂
Next Client Q&A with Denise, coming up next week. Also be on the look out for a newsletter release in the upcoming days ahead. Cheers! And thanks for stopping by.
p.s. Ooooh, September has ONE date left for booking. Call 815.603.8450 to book the last of the Marmalade September sessions today! You all know how much I love September…