I was so looking forward to hanging out with my kids for 10 days. You know, no school, no early a.m. wake ups. None of the usual garbage. But WHOA. WHOOOA. I tell you I was truly unprepared for the assault of pent up indoors craziness unleashed upon my home in the past (let’s count them) 6 days. Gosh, I tell you, I feel like I am this.close. to losing it. LOL. Maybe not but in the span of 3 hours last night my girls managed to do more damage than I could ever imagine (let’s leave it to your imagination when I say that the dog got loose and was found consuming roadkill on the side of the road yesterday evening….the beauty of living in the exurbs, my friends).

So to combat the crazy life that my children have ever so thoughtfully thrust upon me I decided I’d drive them crazy RIGHT back. Yup. Today was picture day.


If it really were that funny I’d be laughing too…



Ahhh the color red…







Mocha (means nothing except this color reminds me of mocha)




It goes without saying that picture day is particularly painful for at least one of my girls (sometimes both). Today was M’s turn. Nothing I could do could get that shot I was searching for. L was perfection–tilting her head just so, laughing, smiling. M…well devil is in the details. She didn’t like not supermodel posing for me (I love age 8, I love age 8 ) and huffed at me. So when I focused on L, she’d get in the camera too and make faces.


It was NOT AT ALL painful for me. Nope. Not a bit. (sigh)



Well at least I got some purty pictures. I mean the fruits of my hour and a half labor with them traipsing to various spots…um, I got about 10 total usable images. I suppose I shouldn’t complain. Too much.
So there you have it. I think I can offiicially photograph ANYONE at this point. Oh and ultimately, even though I plotted against them to drive them crazy, I fear they won this round. 😀


xoxo, Mare

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  • Paula - March 27, 2008 - 7:39 am

    Well, L may have been the cooperative one, but that bnw of M??? HOW AWESOME is that spot????? LOVE IT! Her attitude makes me smile!

  • Mare - March 27, 2008 - 10:29 pm

    Yeah. You know….the attitude is serious. LOL I love it tho, she’s totally spunky.

  • Caitlin Domanico Photography - March 28, 2008 - 7:09 pm

    Awww great job!

  • Elizabeth - March 31, 2008 - 10:04 am

    These are wonderful love the B&W by the window.. fantastic

  • Kimberly Hill - April 4, 2008 - 9:37 am

    Oh ouch… family photo shoot time. They’re adorable, Mare. The last one’s my fave. Look out senior portraits!

  • Lisa Dillon - April 4, 2008 - 7:05 pm

    Love that last one!! She looks like a miniature high school senior! 🙂

  • jen - April 5, 2008 - 6:21 pm

    well you would never know it was difficult because these are all amazing!

  • Meggan - April 5, 2008 - 9:06 pm

    Your girls are gorgeous! 🙂 The photography ain’t too shabby either. LOL

  • Angela - April 6, 2008 - 12:33 am

    Loving the attitude!

  • PattiS - April 6, 2008 - 2:06 pm

    Love these! Love the attitude too. 🙂

  • Anna Mayer - April 7, 2008 - 2:32 pm

    Beautiful images! Your girls are really lovely, stinky attitude and all.

    I can so relate to the “oh my goodnesss you people are messy” feeling. There are simply too many people living in my house and school vacations can kill a girl.

    Are they back in school today? My kids just got out. . .

  • Julie - April 8, 2008 - 9:36 am

    Love these…but I especially love the two in BW – gorgeous, wonderful tones and mood in these.

  • Rochelle - April 9, 2008 - 11:17 am

    LOVE the B&W’s

  • Danna - April 12, 2008 - 9:24 am

    these are all fantastic!! Love your kid shots!!

  • […] Photographing another photographer (and more importantly the children of said photographer).  Sounds like an easy feat, doesn’t it?  In theory the children of photographers are used to having their pictures taken.  Used to seeing their mom or dad’s face transformed into a black box with a circular piece of glass.  Right?  Easy peasy…Ha.  As I will prove to you right here. […]

A few "models" for my workshop being held on the weekend of April 5. I am looking for: -both a preschool aged girl & boy (aged 3-5) -both a tween or teen girl & boy (aged 11-17)

Seeking III

It will entail: -several hours in/out of our Wilmington studio with a number of photographers shooting -a signed blanket model release allowing usage of images on photography websites across the U.S. -clothing choices to be ok’d by me prior to the workshop date of April 5 (Saturday) -several outfit selections to be brought to the studio the day of What you will gain: I will take a number of images to demonstrate to attendees my shooting technique. As a courtesy "thank you" for your time and effort to help me out I will print a "proof" fully enhanced & bordered 5×7 of each image that I process (approximately 4-6 each model) and will ask my attendees to do the same and give you their copies on cd form. For those who model I will also give a $50 off Marmalade Urban Studio/Marmalade Location session fee good until 2/1/09.


How this will work: -please submit to me a recent (within the past 2 months) snapshot of your child that will be photographed by this Thursday, March 27, 2008 -I ask that previous clients do the same Thanks and let’s have fun with this!!

Seeking II

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  • Denise - March 25, 2008 - 12:45 pm

    Aw… thanks for putting up a shot of my little angel. Pleasant surprise when I was doing my blog reading. 🙂

    I wish I could say she’d model for you – but being a few months shy of 3 and still quite ACTIVE – I think she’d drive you all crazy. Looking forward to seeing you on the 12th! 🙂

  • Elizabeth - March 26, 2008 - 11:40 am

    wish I could help you out … I unfortunately live a bit too far away… sigh..

  • Marianne - March 26, 2008 - 10:59 pm

    Well move over here then! LOL

    Denise, can’t wait to see you all again!!

  • Steph - March 29, 2008 - 6:31 am

    Wish I could get over there with Macy but I am working that whole weekend! If you were looking for 8 year olds, you could have a green eyed redhead too! Sounds like a fun opportunity! That one weekend/month always gets in the way, grr…

  • DAWN RINGGOLD - January 28, 2010 - 10:23 am

    i would like to hear more about ur services. u can contact me at xxx-xxx-xxxx thank u. dawn

Session date is April 12 from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Unique Bowtique is in Naperville on Washington Street right downtown


Sign up starts this afternoon after 2:00 p.m. 🙂


Details: $75 qualifying purchase at Unique Bowtique will guarantee an opportunity to sign up for a limited edition session. Session fee is $25 the day of session, payable to Marianne Drenthe. This $25 fee will be fully credited IF you opt to purchase a collection (not applicable towards a la carte only purchases).


Sessions will be for ONE child for 10 minute spans. One outfit only. Sessions take place on the quarter hour.


This is our first foray into the boutique arena and we are very proud to partner up with Unique Bowtique for this awesome opportunity for their customers and our own clients.


Several images from PRIOR urban studio Ltd Edition Sessions:



Studio Ltd Ed I



LTD Edition I


LTD Edition I Girl


Please check us out and sign up for our much anticipated Unique Bowtique Session.


xoxo, Mare


p.s. For all that are inquiring, oh my gosh, Vegas was an absolute blast. Had SO much fun. It was *almost* sinful! LOL How appropos!



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  • Elizabeth - March 23, 2008 - 5:00 pm

    These are great… glad you had fun in Vegas

Going to the great big convention in Sin City, soak up some warm weather, gamble a bit, learn a lot, hang out with like minded peeps and hopefully come away a bit better for it.

To anyone needing to reach me in the next few days, I will be out of of the office until Thursday, March 21.  I will be checking voicemail from time to time however I cannot guarantee that I’ll be able to be reached.

Thank you for  your understanding.  🙂

Crowned Princess

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  • Elizabeth - March 15, 2008 - 5:44 pm

    Hope you have a great time.. fill us all in when you get back..

  • Mare - March 21, 2008 - 9:33 am

    Thanks E! It was a blast. Next year you MUST go.


  • Julie - April 8, 2008 - 9:33 am

    I love this shot…it has such a timeless feel to it. Wonderful!