On the Subject of Rockstars

…last night, somehow I was roped into going to see the Hannah Montana 3D Best of Both Worlds Concert (coming to a theatre near you soon) at our local theatre. I say “roped” because I suffered through in a fevered state, somewhat delirious (or so I claim I was because I seemed to honestly enjoy the show 🙂 ). Magically the theatre was quiet minus my very exceptional little seven year old beautiful girl who sat next to me mouthing and singing @ times the lyrics to all Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus songs. My kids amuses/amazes/astounds me (even when she said “WOO!” about Billy Ray Cyrus being in the movie, she is totally enamored of him). So in fact, Hannah Montana 3D concert IS captivating enough for this jaded mom who is mostly skeptical of most things.

I actually learned some things from the young Miley Cyrus that are important life lessons for ALL of us:

• Family is the most important thing we have

• Being a rockstar, while fun, isn’t the end all be all, sometimes it’s awesome to just be

• Fourteen years old NOW is much different than fourteen years old was circa the mid 1980’s 😀

• You can only wear sequins and sparkles during a certain part of your everyday life and get away with it. After a certain age, well you just look like a Las Vegas showgirl

• I still think I should learn to play the guitar

• I need to sign my little rockstar up for lessons still

• I really long for the days when I wore knee high socks and short skirts just for fun (I really did actually, remember when Mary Jane’s made an early 1990’s appearance…well I adored that look)

So…on the basis of looks. Check out this YouTube clip from awhile ago. I don’t think I blogged about it the first time around however…this clip proves that appearances are nothing sometimes.

xoxo, Mare

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  • Paula - February 6, 2008 - 5:19 pm

    haha! Very funny Mare! You know you have sequins hiding in the back of your closet, you Vegas showgirl, you!

  • Elizabeth - February 8, 2008 - 5:40 am

    Can I just admit something here.. sometimes when the kids arent around You find me alone watching kid shows.. and sometimes more often than not it will be Hannah Montana.. I have no idea why.. I never jumped on that Billy Ray Cyrus band wagon I am a punk/goth girl at heart.. if its alternative I like it… but I digress.. So sad as my life has become in the sense that you can find me watching such things as Hannah Montana or even Spongebob when my kids arent around I think that all the lessons you learned at her 3D movie were awesome.. thank you for sharing those I will keep my sequins and sparkles in my closet ( they are tough to pull off when picking your kids up from school anyway ) hahah.. glad you had a great time.. even more so Glad your Daugther had a great time.. and this Video Clip.. wow.. what a voice..


  • Meggan - February 9, 2008 - 10:31 pm

    WAY too funny that you enjoyed the show. Thankfully the only other female in my house is still too young to be caught up in the HM whirlwind yet.

  • Angela - February 11, 2008 - 11:21 pm

    Yep I wanna learn how to play guitar too! Wise words Marm! You are one smart lady!

  • Jen Lane - February 14, 2008 - 8:57 pm

    OK, I loved this post! I too groaned and moanted (though only to dh, not to the kids, lol) about taking the kids to this movie. And I too was surprised to fing myself HAPPY to be there. It was so fun and so cute and made me realize that my oldest especially, is really growing up. Before i know it, she will be singing those songs about boys. Sigh. Where do the years go? Loved the lessons you got from Miley. Very true. And I gotta say, when I finally lose this weight, I”m totally wearing short skirts and knee highs and my old mary jane doc martens again. I may have to stay in my living room, but I”ll be wearing them. LOL!!!! I’m only 32, I gotta lotta living left to do. ha.

  • mare - February 15, 2008 - 7:41 pm

    no vegas showgirling here. I totally swear! LOL

    Elizabeth, you and I are totally one on the punk/goth thing. Spongebob is the Nirvana of the cartoon world so you’re ok. Hannah Montana, eh, for some reason it does appeal to me, perhaps because Miley seems cute, “wholesome”. I dunno. 🙂

    Angela, you’ll be hapy to know that Miss Thing started up with the geetar lessons this past week. Crazy.

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