I apologize for the lack of blog love this past two weeks. Admittedly I felt a little bit of writer’s block however it’s time to get back into the swing of things. Question is: so what in the world does a mostly outdoor based photographer do during the downtime/self imposed time to reorganize, regroup, revitalize, regenerate and rediscover during the cold Chicago winter months? She tries to find her center and get all sorts of stuff done behind the scenes.
I am busily at work putting the finishing touches on the workshop site, I am so very excited to premiere details very very soon! Also as I mentioned, I’ve been finding my center again, purging the old and bad out of my life, making peace with things that may have caused distress in my life this past year or so and started taking care of ME again. I highly recommend regrouping to find yourself. For me I suspect yoga has been an integral part of this journey (and who knew I was still fairly flexible? I sure didn’t!). Yesterday morning in class I felt a calm and peace come over me that was a shock to my system. It felt so good to come to terms with it. January 2008 seems to be a month of renewal for me and revitalization. Loving myself as much as I love those near & dear to me.
Gosh I am rambling… 🙂
Speaking of love. I think I am in love with my new camera. I’ve been having a blast with it! I’m currently participating in a self imposed picture a day project (which I won’t bore you with here) and am living my own advice of KNOWING your equipment.  Feeling challenged to come up with different stuff daily is fun and my girls are totally into this as the pic of the day (we take turns on who’s day it is).
So, keep out on the look out for more news & stuff.
xoxo, Mare
I cant wait to hear more about this workshop… and I have been following your picture of a day with your new love for you new camera on Flickr.. and Love what you have been doing.. I have been feeling very blah and uninspired myself these days… and am oh so longing for a D3.. ( am currently saving up my change )
Thank you E.
I LOVE that first shot!