Inspiration for Displaying Large Portraits in Your Home

My talented friend Pam of Casual Moments Photography posted this great blog article on displaying large portraits several months ago.  Coincidentally I had a chance to see her beautiful home and all the amazing LARGE prints on display in person this past summer, when I saw her article I immediately thought “DUH!  I should share this.”

Pam really did such an amazing job with decorating her home ESPECIALLY by creating the feeling of family within the four walls of where she and her husband call “home”.  It’s apparent that family is her number one treasure and has chosen to showcase her favorite people as art.  I absolutely love that!

Since many of my clients have these large spaces -great rooms (family rooms, if you will) -to fill up with art work I thought it would help to visualize how a photographer has chosen to fill her amazing & beautiful space with family art.  I hope you enjoy Pam’s article as much as I did.  Enjoy!  DISPLAYING PORTRAITS IN YOUR HOME

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