A couple of months back I dipped my foot back into the Mitzvah pool. It’s been awhile since I had an opportunity to photograph one but when I had I really enjoyed my short stint as a Mitzvah photographer. When my friend and fellow photographer Laurie of Soben Studios asked me to photograph her daughter’s Bat Mitzvah I jumped at the opportunity to photograph her daughter’s Bat Mitzvah as I really love the fun & energy of these incredibly special days where Jewish families celebrate the coming of age of their Mitzvah child(ren).
I’m not kidding when I say that there isn’t much that can compare to the energy at a Mitzvah event. The energy level is turned up to 11! Not only that but the kids themselves are pretty great: funny, fun, outgoing, laughing, having a blast – the vibe of fun is truly contagious and the guests feel it as well.
Typically during these celebrations I’ve found that the lighting CAN be tricky so I highly recommend having a second set of hands (aka an assistant) that can help the photographer with lighting. S’s Bat Mitzvah was NO EXCEPTION. This Bat Mitzvah celebration was in the middle of the day but with room darkening curtains throughout and the artificially lit room was filled with (the always fun) black and colored lights – but this lighting can make for some tricky photography opportunities. With a lighting assistant I was readily able to capture the events of the day without every one looking like Oompa Loompas! LOL
Anyway a big thank you to Laurie and her family and all of her guests. Thank you for allowing me to capture this special day for you all. Much love & MAZEL TOV!!