As promised, I have a few BLD highlights here on the blog…since this was a special event I took a different course in displaying the images and am including them here on the site.
FIrst though, a big thank you to the City of Chicago’s Office of Mayoral Special Events that invited the BLD gang to come out and share the rhythm with Taste. We had a rainy late afternoon/evening but the attendees STILL had a blast (as witnessed by the dancing that went on in the midst of major downpour).
A big thank you to Tiffanie Spearling, once again, and everyone who made BLD Taste possible…I hope you ENJOY a Taste of Taste. 😉
I had planned on getting some vacation pix posted up but I haven’t gotten around to downloading my images off my cards even (it’s been an excruciatingly busy week in Marmaland especially for someone who is supposed to be "on vacation" this week…) , so I hope there will be some stuff to share next time!!
In Marmaland, DH has gotten around to finally putting up my fantabulous shelving in my laundry room. I feel all Martha Stewartish (sorta) again and am trying to fight the urge to reorganize everything. I’m a do it all or nothing kind of gal and it’s been a long time coming getting this house organized. There always seems to be *something*. LOL So maybe if I get motivated I’ll snap some pix and show off my uberorganized laundry room. Is it sick to have a laundry room make one happy? 😀