Happy Thanksgiving!! I want to quickly mention the things that I am thankful for before proceeding onto sneak peek time…
I am thankful for my family, my wonderful and supportive husband who always has my back and always stands by me. My beautiful children, I cannot imagine what life was like before you two shared your lives with me. Thank you for being wonderfully sweet, funny, happy, silly, sassy, goofy, smiley, giggly, hyper…oh I can go on and on. I thank all of my lucky stars for this past year, another year with my dad and with my mom. For my friends, my in laws, my extended family. I am thankful for my clients, for whom without my life’s purpose would be nonexistent. Thank you to all of my clients, friends, blog readers for checking in with me, seeing what’s up in Marmaland 🙂 and for caring enough to stop in. I am thankful for a healthy life, I am doubly thankful for being allowed a second chance to exist and share in my children’s childhood and to be allowed to breathe, to move and to love. Speaking of moving, I am thankful that I am beginning to find my stride again with movement and exercise. I am thankful for the beauty in this world, for the changing seasons and for everything that those seasons bring. Gratitude is a part of being. We can not simply exist without taking time to be thankful for all the beauty we have been given. For all the love that we share…
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Speaking of giving thanks…I had the great pleasure of meeting L (who has the coolest first & middle name ever but for the sake of privacy I will leave it out–I assure you though, completely unique and completely awesome). L is just over one week old and his mom came out to the studio from the Lockport area for a newborn session with me. Thank you Michelle for allowing me to capture this BEAUTIFUL time in L’s life and more importantly in YOUR life as well…first born babies bring a sort of magic with them that is completely indescribable, enjoy these magical days with your sweet little boy.
Isn’t he the most sweet & cuddly baby ever?
Oooh, that baby is so precious! Love the animal print, he looks so silky smooth and soft on it!