I may be a little emotional because this young man is going to be a senior this year…and well…I’ve been photographing him since he was 3 months old. Frankly this is kind of messing with my head.
You’d think that I didn’t have two young adults of my own, one already married and all, but something about seeing one of my Marmalade Kids graduate from “wee one” to about to be a high school senior that is both amazingly awesome and a total mind freak.
Total. Mind. Freak.
Noah you are awesome. I’ve never not had fun photographing you. Your personality is as big as your smile. Your heart is gold. You are a caring and good human being. Your family must be so proud of all that you are. Personally? I cannot wait to see the incredible things you do in this life. I have loved seeing you grow up. I literally got to see your first steps, which was just crazy timing on your parents end and kind of insane all at once.
Both you and Marmalade kind of grew up together. Weird, huh?
Truly you are a gift as is your beautiful mom and the rest of the adults who have helped shape you into this young adult that you are becoming.
Blessings upon blessings. I am truly humbled and honored to have been able to photograph you pre-senior year. Class of 2024…back in 2006 when I first met you I would have never guessed we would be here so quick. Gosh, here we are!
Sneak peeks for this Naperville Central Senior. Thank you Kim, Nala, Noah (Bailey and Stella too, they were good babies!). We never not have fun doing this photography thing and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to photograph you all along.
Much love, luck and fun to you this final year of high school!



Yes yes I played as Naperville High School Senior Photographer during this session but I also played Antioch newborn and toddler photographer, Glenview Child photographer and Naperville family photographer during the Noah era. 🙂 Here’s a quick flashback because I simply cannot help myself 🙂