
I get emails every day from people, clients and often photographers around the country (and world sometimes which is awesome) and it feels so nice to have my work recognized and appreciated.  I feel very fortunate that my work with children and families touches so many hearts.

This past couple months I was featured on a few sites, I was one of Blu’s 50 days, 50 photographers (back in November) and now, yesterday actually, I was lucky enough to be featured on the blog Blogs of Photogs .  A big thank you to Mary Hanson for featuring me and saying oh so nice things to me about my work.  Feel free to click on the link which will take you to the 12/26 entry as seen below.

December 26 Featured Photographer

I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday season.  I have rec’d numerous emails and letters and cards with holiday wishes from so many of my client families and would like to take the time out to thank you for your thoughts and well wishes this holiday season.  Stay tuned for some fun stuff!!

xoxo, Mare

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  • Elizabeth - December 30, 2007 - 9:06 pm

    Thats awesome congrats

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