Yes, It’s Me and It’s 4:00 a.m.

A couple of things before I do the ole sneak peek from a session done very recently.

We’re supposed to force me a day off and take the kids to Kiddieland, probably their last trip ever if you believe the news and my husband ;). I have tons of sessions to catch up on and do stuff to but I also probably need the day off! 🙂 Thus the 4:00 a.m. wake up call.

First things first: in the past few days I have received notes and emails from clients, potential clients and clients in the past mentioning they are “bounced back” when emailing my address from the site. Please, if that ever happens to you, I’d appreciate it if you’d give me a call or email me from your regular email client, I have no clue what is happening there, there is no reason to be “bounced back” that I can pinpoint…it could just be a bizarre-o web thing. However, I feel badly about that happening.

Secondly, please scroll down to see the information regarding Limited Edition Fall Sessions to be held in September. This is something that I’ve been asked about specifically for clients who just want some updated pix for cards and such…a great solution to the question of: “Should I use my images from this spring/summer?” No need to, absolutely not, you can book a limited edition session just for this purpose. Booking is limited to present clients only at this time but next week the bookings begin for everyone else. Even if you aren’t a client, give me a call at 815.603.8450 to be put on a list to future reserve a time that may be still available. The summer Limited Edition Sessions that were held were a great time, I’ve received so many wonderful emails from the clients that I gained from those sessions, most I hope have been bitten by the Marmalade bug (ok, sorry, that sounds gross, moving along…)

FINALLY….(drumroll please)…I need to thank these four beautiful ladies for being light hearted and up for anything I threw at them, pouty Tyra Banks looks and all! I love the results of our session together! These women are amazingly photogenic–just absolutely drop dead gorgeous, I probably could’ve kept up the “picture taking” all evening!! A big thanks to F, M, J & C for coming out to have a sort of Marmalade Urban session with me. I enjoyed meeting you all and hope you had half as much fun as I did. Enjoy your sneak peeks!

Three Ladies

Another Three Ladies, Changed Up



Lovely Lady

Michelle Pfeiffer…Even Better!

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